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Words to Live Into

Pam Gilbert

Sometimes, a single word can change your life.

It can speak to you - giving you insight, inspiration, or even a new way of living or understanding yourself. There are some words to live into.

One such word is…

Delight is a joy you experience.

It comes in a sunrise, a sunset, or innumerable moments between.

Delight comes in things you can count on -

the sparkle in a child’s eyes

time with those you love

a good book in a favorite chair

your morning coffee …

Delight often comes-

as the sun shines on your face

in the smell of rain

in laughter

when you do something you enjoy

when you spend time at a place you love ...

Delight comes unexpectedly-

through kindness

a discovery

a gift

an opportunity that comes to you that is better than you could have hoped for

a goodness almost too good to be true

Delight is also a joy you hold.

Delight can be a state of being. Those you love are a delight. You hold them in your heart, in your thoughts, and in your memories.

You are a delight. Do you think of yourself that way?

You are a delight to those who love you. You are in their heart, their thoughts, their memories of you.

You are also a delight to the one who made you.

When God sees you, he delights in you.

God holds you in his heart.

You are one in whom God delights.

You can also delight in God.

You can hold him in your heart.

Delight is a joy you share.

Not only can you share what gives you delight, but you can share in being delightful. Once you realize that you are one in whom God delights, you can grow to see that others, even those very different from you, are also a delight.

Living into delight

It is time to delight! Pick one or two of these ideas and do them.

  1. Consider - What brings me delight? Who do I delight in?

  1. Experience delight each day. Intentionally note or become aware of a moment of delight each day. You can write it down, take a photo, or say, “What a delight!” when you realize it.

  1. Consider - What difference does it make to know that you are a delight to God?

  1. Remember - You are one in whom God delights. Do something that helps you remember this.

  1. Consider - How can I become more delightful? Put your thoughts into practice.

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© Pam Gilbert

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